Eye Level One Education Centre
At Eye Level, we emphasize the importance of seeing things from the child’s perspective. For over forty years, we have used this core value to become a successful, global brand with over 2 million students in 20 different countries.
Eye Level 的核心價值是從學生的角度出發,並提供個人化學習計劃。在全球已培育過二百萬學生。目前,Eye Level 在全球 20 個國家和地區提供課程,中心數目持續增長。
Eye Level aims to nurture our children to be critical thinkers with self-directed learning ability through our high-quality Math & English learning materials. We understand that every child is unique, therefore our teaching method emphasizes the individualized learning progress, a small-step approach, mastery learning and 1:1 coaching. Our curriculum and booklets make efficient with clear learning objectives, so instructors can provide individual 1:1 coaching and students can master the learning goal easily through the small-step approach. Parents can also track their child’s study progress through our detailed study record.
Eye Level 希望透過高質素的教材培養學生的自主學習能力及邏輯思維能力。我們深信每個孩子的獨特性,所以Eye Level 課程的學習方法特別注重個人學習進度、小步驟學習、熟練學習和1對1指導。
Eye Level 的課程配合完善的教材設計,能提高學生的學習效率。每一本教材皆有清晰的學習重點,老師可以透過教材給予每個學生最適切的指導。學生透過小步驟學習,及在導師1對1的指導下更容易掌握學習重點,而家長也可以透過完善的學習紀錄追索學生的學習進度。
Our programs:
Eye Level Math (Comprehensive Math program with Critical Thinking)
Play Math (Combined Math & play for young learners)
Eye Level English (Comprehensive holistic English program)
Sparks (Focused on Phonics & Vocabulary achievement)
Happy Talk (Focused on oral speaking ability)
Various types of specialized summer courses
商舖地點 Shop Location : G01
電話 Tel : 2805 6100
營業時間 Opening Time :
Tuesday – Saturday 9:30-12:00 & 1:30-7:00
Website : myeyelevel.com