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Hai Yi Education was founded in 2001, it is one of the earlier established Chinese and Mandarin training institutions in Hong Kong. We are providing high-quality children's interest groups, drama classes, Chinese writing classes, Mandarin pinyin classes, primary and secondary schools Chinese writing proficiency exam training , IB (A \ B) Chinese exam-oriented classes and SAT2 \ AP and other Chinese test preparation courses. All our teachers are speak Mandarin as their first language. All teaching materials are written by our company. 



海怡教育始創於2001年,是在香港建立較早的中文和普通話培訓機構之一。我們將會提供優質的N1- K2兒童興趣班課程、兒童話劇班、N1- K3國學經典班、K3中文寫作班、中小學中文寫作課程、普通話拼音班、全港中小學中文寫作水平考試培訓班、IB(A\B)中文應試班和SAT2\AP等中文應試課程。本公司所有教師均以普通話為第一語言。所有教材均為本公司獨家編寫。

Hai Yi Education

商舖地點 Shop Location : 110 - 113

電話 Tel : 2350 5166

營業時間 Opening Time : 09:00 – 21:00

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